Thursday, June 10, 2010

السير اسحق نيوتن

السير اسحق نيوتن

Biography of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879-18 April 1955) is a theoretical physicist widely regarded as the greatest scientist in the 20th century. He put forward the theory of relativity and also greatly contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and cosmology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect and "for his services to Theoretical Physics". Having formulated the theory of general relativity, Einstein became famous throughout the world, an unusual achievement for a scientist. In his old age, fame fame beyond all scientists in history, and in popular culture, says Einstein is considered synonymous with intelligence or even genius. His face is one of the most recognized worldwide. In 1999, Einstein called "The Century" by Time magazine. Popularity also makes the name "Einstein" is widely used in advertisements and other merchandise, and finally "Albert Einstein" is registered as a trademark. To appreciate them, a unit in the photochemistry named Einstein, a chemical element named after einsteinium, and a named asteroid 2001 Einstein.


1. Early life and university

Einstein was born in Ulm in Württemberg, Germany; approximately 100 km east of Stuttgart. His father named Hermann Einstein, a salesman feather bed which then undergo electrochemical work, and his mother was Pauline. They were married in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Their family of Jewish descent; Albert schooled in Catholic schools and the mother wishes she was given violin lessons. At age five, his father showed him a pocket compass, and Einstein realized that something in space that "empty" acted upon the needle on the compass, he would later describe the experience as one of the most evocative moments in his life. Although he made models and mechanical devices as a hobby, he is regarded as a slow learner, possibly caused by dyslexia, shyness, or because the structure of the rare and unusual in his brain (examined after his death).

He was awarded the theory of relativity to this slowness, saying that by pondering space and time than other kids, he was able to develop a more developed intelligence. Other opinions, developed recently, about his mental development is that he suffered from Asperger's Syndrome, a condition associated with autism. Einstein began to study mathematics at the age of twelve years. There are rumors that he failed mathematics in his education, but this is untrue; replacement in the assessment of confusing the following year. Two of his uncle helped develop intellectual interests with the world during the late childhood and early adolescence by recommending and books on science and mathematics. In the year 1894, due to the failure of his father's electrochemical business, Einstein moved from Munich to Pavia, Italy (near Milan). Albert stayed to finish school, completing one semester before rejoining his family in Pavia. Failure in the liberal arts in the entrance test Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zurich) the following year was a setback; j him by his family sent to Aarau, Switzerland, to finish high school, where he received a diploma in 1896 , Einstein several times to register at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule. The following year he took off Württemberg citizenship, and become not have citizenship identity.

In 1898, Einstein met and fell in love with Mileva Maric, a Serb who is a friend of his class (also a friend Nikola Tesla). In 1900, he was granted a teaching by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule and was accepted as a Swiss citizen in 1901. During this time Einstein discussed his scientific interests with his close friends, including Mileva. He and Mileva had a daughter named Lieserl, born in January 1902. Lieserl, at that time, deemed illegal because the parents are not married.

2. Work and Doctorate Degree

At the time of graduation Einstein could not find a teaching job, carelessness as a young man who easily made angry professornya. The father of a classmate helped him obtain a job as a technical assistant examiner at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902 dalah. There, Einstein considered the inventor of patent applications for devices that require knowledge of physics. He also learned to recognize the importance of application compared with a poor explanation, and learning from the director how "to explain himself properly." He sometimes fix their design and also evaluate the practicality of their work. Einstein married Mileva on 6 January 1903. Einstein's marriage to Mileva, a mathematician, is the personal companion and versatility; On May 14, 1904, from the couple's first child, Hans Albert Einstein, was born. In 1904, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office to be fixed. He got his doctorate after submitting thesis "Eine Neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen" ("On a new determination of molecular dimensions") in the year 1905 from the University of Zürich.

In the same year he wrote four articles that provided the foundation of modern physics, without much scientific literature that he can appoint or many colleagues in the sciences that he can discuss about the theory. Most physicists agree that three papers (of Brownian motion), the photoelectric effect and special relativity) deserved Nobel Prizes. But the only paper on the photoelectric effect would win the award. This is ironic, not only because Einstein is far better known for relativity, but also because the photoelectric effect is a quantum phenomenon, and Einstein became free of the road in quantum theory. What makes these papers remarkable is that, in each case, Einstein boldly took an idea from theoretical physics to its logical consequences and managed to explain experimental results that had puzzled scientists for decades. He submitted his thesis to the thesis, "Annalen der Physik". They are usually addressed to the "Annus Mirabilis Papers" (from Latin: In excellent). Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) plans to celebrate 100 years of publication of Einstein's work in 1905 as the Year of Physics in 2005.

3. Brownian motion

In the first article in 1905 called "On the Motion-Required by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat-of Small particles suspended in a Stationary Liquid", includes research on Brownian motion. Using the kinetic theory of liquids which was controversial at the time, he establishes that the phenomenon, which still lack a satisfactory explanation decades after it was first observed setlah, provide empirical evidence (based on observation and experimentation) the reality of atoms. And also lends confidence to the statistical mechanics, which at that time was also controversial. Prior to this thesis, the atom is known as berguan concept, but physicists and chemists hotly debated whether atoms really a tangible object. Einstein's statistical discussion of atomic behavior gave players a way to calculate the experimental atoms by looking through the ordinary microscope. Wilhelm Ostwald, a leader of the anti-atom school, later told Arnold Sommerfeld that he had berkonversi to complete Einstein's explanation of Brownian motion.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What makes Google AdSense system so special?

Basic arrangement in which Google AdSense system works is such that Google has the basic control over which ads appear on Google AdSense web site to subscribe to the system. Of course, the website owner can customize how ads look and also block or filter certain types of Ads on their web site. Ads that Google serves are Ad (This ad is actually relevant to the topic of web sites that discuss / serve-to). This is something that is not found in other advertising programs / systems. This creates a win-win situation for everyone.

The people who visit a website (that contains Google AdSense Ads) are doing so because they are interested in your product / service / topic that is discussed on the website. Will be less beneficial for them if you are to serve ads that are not related to the topic in any way. On the other hand, ads related to the topic of the website will actually prove useful to visitors. They might actually be interested in your product or service being advertised through Google AdSense Ads. So, website visitors get a richer experience because the AdSense program.

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In addition, Google AdSense ads are presented in a way that is far better than banner ads or other types of ads. Most simple text Ads that clear and concise. The website owners find it easy and advertisers find it easy, too. Google AdSense is really one of the best advertising programs available today.

Four tips to get the best results from your AdSense Ads

Income you earn from Google AdSense program depends entirely on you and your abilities. Here are some tips that you can use to get the best results from your AdSense Ads:

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Tips for AdSense for feeds

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Quality Content: You will get the Google AdSense revenue only if people subscribe to your feeds. The more you subscribe to, the better are your chances of success with AdSense for feeds. Because most people will be looking for quality content, you must ensure that your feed contains up-to-date quality information that is presented to the user an easy to understand language. In addition, the feed must be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Fill quantity: Include as much content in your feeds as you possibly can. Once again, the goal is to prove that the feed is useful and comprehensive (so that more users subscribe to it). If you feel that a full article could not go to feed, including a good summary of the article.

Limit the ad units: If users find that your feed contains too many ads, they may not be subscribed to your feed at all (and the whole purpose of feeds would be lost). In order to ensure that you get better you subscribe, you must limit one per feed ad units. Another good way to ensure that your feed does not look like an advertising medium is to place the Ads either at the end of the article or discuss the topic after enough.

So, get ready to improve your 'AdSense for feeds' revenue with these tips. You may wait to end. Tempo will remain and continue to check the Google AdSense blog for updates about the launch of AdSense for feeds.

Guides for adding the AdSense code to your webpage / blog

Adding the AdSense code into your web pages is an easy process. You only need to copy the AdSense code from your AdSense account (as seen in the AdSense code box) and paste it in your html code. However, there are some guidelines you should follow when pasting the AdSense code on your web pages.

First, you should not tamper with the AdSense code in any way. It must be inserted as such, in whole, without changes or modifications; otherwise your AdSense code will not work. In addition, you may end up violating the AdSense program policies.

Also, it is important that you paste the AdSense code in your html page body tag. This is necessary for the code (java script) to run correctly.

Next, you should make sure you use a maximum of three ad unit per web page (this is the limit set by the Google AdSense program) and not more than one link unit per web page.

Since content based Ad targeting is the main concept behind AdSense program, you must make sure that you paste the AdSense code in a place where you have your main content, such as discounts if you have your main content in a particular frame or 'DIV' tag, your AdSense code You must be inserted in a particular frame or 'DIV' tag.

Be careful when using a WYSIWYG editor (What you see is what you get) editor. These editors sometimes add few tags on their own. So, just paste the AdSense code in the source code directly and not in other views the preview page or web pages. Always check your AdSense code additional irrelevant tags before you actually upload your web pages to your server.

Controlling Sex Addiction

Problem of sex is very diverse. Disturbance can be started from the desire that is not lit, pain during sex, until the erection disorders. Many of the disorders that can be overcome using drugs and therapies. However, one of sexual disorders are classified as difficult to deal with addiction.

Sex addiction (sexual addiction) is often considered not a problem for many people. In fact, for the sufferer and his life partner, the disorder can be very destructive. Not only damage the sufferer's personal life, but also the social environment, family, and especially the spouse of the patient.

According to experts, sexual addiction is an appropriate measure of sexual activity considered beyond the control of inurement. Sex addiction sufferers feel compelled to acquire and immerse themselves in sexual activities, although aware of all potential risks facing.

Sex can be addictive as alcohol and drugs. When Doing Activities of sex, body to release chemicals that make our bodies to be comfortable. Some people become addicted to remove this chemical compound and becomes obsessed to get again and again and again, feeling comfortable caused.

As for the other addictions, the body getting used to the release of these chemical compounds. Addict's body needs more numbers, more and more, and more and more, which means that sex continues to feel the need, it is never satisfied.

Among the fulfillment of sexual needs and high chemical compound, emerged triumphant. It is often identified with the feelings of shame, regret, sorrow, pleading, and nervous. Addiction sufferers can feel isolated, isolated, and powerless to change their behavior. Now, along with continued turning circle is endless, people with addictions continue to have sex in an attempt to escape the feeling that handcuff.

More than 6 percent by conservative estimates, 3 to 6 percent of the population of people suffering from addiction to sex and 20 percent of whom are women. They come from various walks of life. However, numbers three and six percent were estimated to be too low from the actual number of sufferers.

Given the prevalent sex addiction is accompanied by feelings of shame and disgraceful, according to the site owned by Dr. Patrick Carnes, a consultant and a leading sex addiction expert,, so sufferers often find it difficult to get help. For this reason also, the type of patient profile sex addiction is difficult to find.

Since the opening of the Internet with a variety of cheap sexual services without having to open a self-interested persons identity, experts can only know that people with sex addiction that rose sharply, without knowing their exact identity. With limited assistance services for patients, experts believe the number of people with sex addiction that will continue to rise.

Then, as if the signs of those who suffer from sex addiction? Dr Patrick Carnes suggests the existence of 10 possible signs that need to be aware of:

1. Feel that your behavior is not restrained. 2. Aware could arise due to the severe if you continue with that behavior. 3. Feeling unable to stop the behavior you even aware of the consequences. 4. Fixed hunt destructive activities and / or high-risk. 5th. Continue to expect to stop or control what you do and act actively to limit the dangerous activity you do. 6. Using sexual fantasies as a way to cope with difficult feelings or situations. 7. Need sex continually in order to always feel good. 8. Suffered from the feelings that keep swirling around sexual activity. 9. Spending a lot of time to plan, do, or regret and do more sexual activity. 10. Ignoring the social activities, the activities office, and recreational activities are important for sex. Need to recognize when you see one of the signs listed above in your behavior, the most important steps that can be done is to admit that sexual addiction is a real problem and can not just disappear or it will disappear on its own. You must choose one's attitude personally responsible for the recovery of the interference, which could be you're experiencing.

Generally, people with sexual disorders had found it difficult to change their own behavior. However, at least little by little you should be able to minimize the behavior as depicted on the signs in the coming cycle although sometimes the urge to do anything too strong to be resisted. A professional therapist can help you to understand what really happened and take steps to push you to lifestyle changes toward a healthier sexual.

Conversely, if you suspect that your spouse is a patient addicted to sex, you should have helped to change the behavior. Mental attitude you need to prepare yourself is, nobody will recover from addiction except to accept that they suffer from a disorder and want to change. Because of that, help strengthen your resolve couples who are addicted to getting stronger willingness to make changes.

It's messy, painful, and confusing a couple who are addicted to sex. If in Western society, even the available help for those who have a spouse sex addict. Assistance could be in the form of personal and companion group (support group). Well, although not yet available here such service, you can search for photography-photography insights, such as the Sex Addicts Anonymous, an international site provides information on assistance from the UK in or at the British Association of Sexual and Relationship therapists, who offer personal sex therapist directory at: Forms of addiction and consequences of sex addiction may exhibit various forms, but generally recognizable from the behavior that feels out of control. These behaviors include:

- Spend plenty of time to enjoy the products of pornography - Masturbation uncontrollably - Ekshibisionisme - Voyeurism - fetishes - a high-risk sex - Prostitution - Phone sex and sex over the internet - Infidelity - Having sex with a new partner, then known

According to Dr Carrie, the survey revealed a result of the behavior of sex addiction, among others:

70 percent experienced severe disruption to her life partner 40 percent loss of spouse 27 percent lost 40 percent of career opportunities in experiencing unwanted pregnancies 72 percent obsessed suicidal 17 percent attempted suicide 68 percent exposed to sexually transmitted diseases.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Relevance Posts

Based on the fact the writings of the required time, place and conditions used for publication, so the emergence of writing can be understood and carried out by the reader as a whole, the possible reactions between the reader and the writer is a dialectic form of communication about the truth of some theory or the delivery of knowledge that can be used as reference in perform each activity adjusts paradigms of science that has been owned.

The majority of authors use the theory of writing: everything that was written based on the knowledge and experience, you can bet that the author was not able to provide detailed information about events there, although the content has some part of the truth of an event, but the knowledge and experience of the authors has a shortage of , because everything is in accordance with the incidence can not be written only by a few articles only.

Browse all writings the reader would need to understand and needed a way to know about: how to write a publisher of "how publishers deliver content of the mind", a paradigm that is used "how to write by adjusting events or based on the inspiration that exist in the mind", a form of writing "style that is owned each writer ", the structure of language and material that provided" the use of language in a textual or contextual framework customize the title given presenters ", so that readers can perform a reaction or response to an existing discourse.

Achieve an understanding between writer and reader to the work can be comprehended easily, authors are advised not to use force in need of meaning or language is difficult to understand, because readers can not ascertained the overall knowledge and experience the life of the author, as the reader can only respond about the quality of writing and the truth is there in the writings of "denial and acceptance of a written discourse."

Social identity: Unity in Diversity

Five Principles Unity in Diversity is the motto or watchword of Indonesia. The word is derived from Old Javanese language and translates as "Different but one". This sentence is a quotation from an Old Javanese Kakawin namely: kakawin Sutasoma, written by mpu Tantular Majapahit kingdom in the period around the 14th century. This Kakawin special because it teaches tolerance between Hindus Shiva with Buddhists. The words unity in diversity is also found on the emblem of Garuda Bird, Where at the foot of the Garuda Bird grabbed a ribbon that reads Unity in Diversity.

Indonesian society comprises more than 500 tribes with over 250 kinds of local languages, which all are united with the pledge that has become the basic unity of this nation, which contains the oath of youth; one homeland, one nation and one language. Pledge or promise has been pronounced by the entire Indonesian nation with a representative of the youth from various ethnic and class on october 28, 1928, when Indonesia was still under imperialist occupation of the Netherlands. Until the proclamation read out the Pancasila and the Constitution set 45 as the basis for the State.

A multiethnic nation has a variety of problems like any other nation, but the big problem is the difficulty of multiethnic countries to integrate the whole society into one framework is intact and strong unity. With the slogan and the concept of unity in diversity on the basis of the Indonesian people's life then it should be unity and integrity will remain intact and prevent the occurrence of all sorts of conflicts based on class or group interests.

There are several interpretations to make unity in diversity is more grounded in the person of this heterogeneous society, one that is with the social identity model of mutual differentiation Brewer & Gaertner (2003) that apply to every individual in this nation. Mutual differentiation model is a model in which a particular person or group that maintains the identity of origin (ethnicity or region) but at the same time all these groups also have a common goal that unites them all eventually.

This model will bring a double identity that is hierarchical, with the sense that someone will not release the identity of origin and has an identity with a higher value. As an example of someone not forget the origin as the Minang, Batak, China or Java, etc., but it has a collective unity that is preferable as the people of Indonesia. Thus, tribal or regional identity is lower than the values and virtues of national identity, In accordance with the meaning of unity in diversity itself, where the union is a fixed price.

During Ir.Soekarno leadership, he has made efforts to unite the whole nation with the jargon of "Down with Malaysia", "United we irons", "our Japanese Grill", and "our British Picks" which on that occasion, he spread propaganda that every citizen Indonesia has a common enemy namely Malaysia, Japan, America and England. With the Ultimate Goal, the union would become stronger due to the growth of some similarities in community water compatriot. Feelings, spirit and purpose like that that will create a unified heterogeneous society, establish a national social identity that is stronger than the interests of groups, classes and personal.

By recognizing the differences and respecting those differences themselves plus a pledge to maintain the strength of one homeland, one nation and one language is a model of social identity that is very good in this nation. So interwoven cooperation among all groups without mentioning the difference because it has a primary purpose and pride with the unity of the nation.

Tolerance of each category of groups is the key word in the realization of this model, where the tolerance in the context of national life is the attitude of respect for each other, prohibit the existence of discrimination and injustice of the majority against minorities, whether ethnic, culture and religion with the aim to realize with lofty ideals.

Maybe not that easy to "inject" an idea of unity into a society that is heterogeneous and plural, horizontally, vertically, especially Indonesia has at least five layers of society that is, ultra-modern, modern, urban, traditional, and backward society (even in Papua primitive societies still exist, yet dressed). This uneven development is not just a government responsibility as the provider of the country but also a shared responsibility of all Indonesian citizens.

Perhaps with the development of continuous information flow, where the world is experiencing globalization, we as a society of sovereign nations, want to share about all kinds of knowledge and the doctrine of nationality to all our brothers all over the country. Perform movements that are nationalist in order to enhance patriotism to all the spilled blood of Indonesia, or at least starting with ourselves, with the aim to foster develop all sorts of views about the water landed in Indonesia with good and true.

In addition to the nationality issue, the challenges ahead at the future of this nation is facing an era of economic globalization, capitalism, imperialist, orientalist, infiltration of deviant ideas from outside sources, as well as from within the country itself, such as treason, fundamentalist and 'line of heartache' which aims muddy conditions, sparked the conflict and inequality that resulted in actions by the circumstances that lead us away from the track achievement of lofty ideals.

The difference is a gift, where it then we can know each other, complement and colorful life in communication, interaction and relationships, so that our civil society in accordance with what they have aspired together. Nothing is instant in realizing the ideals, all requiring process, hard work and sacrifice. If the present generation it is not fulfilled yet, the legacy of struggle and this spirit is the next generation, so that what we feel could not be tasted sweeter by the next generation of this great nation in the future. (Amarilldo)

Overview of atheism

If we look closely, you might find some friends who chose to not believe in God, or element of a larger force, or commonly referred to as an atheist. Based on my own experience, not many of my friends who belong atheist. However, if I was discussing with some friends who are outside the country, number atheist increased in number.

In an article explained that in Africa almost can not find atheist, whereas in Europe the number of atheists among the population is quite high: Sweden (64%), Danish (48%), France (44%) and Germany (42%). These data indicate that the area of Europe over many individuals are atheist. It is expected to be influenced by several factors, one of them is in terms of education and economics.

The study further explains that the atheist who tend to be as educated individuals from the social democrats in the European region. The number of atheists also continue to develop when individuals feel their needs have been fulfilled. In a study also found that there was a negative correlation between religiosity shown by the social health of society (co: income per capita, infant mortality, life expectancy and literacy). In other words, countries that show high religiosity will lower its social health, and vice versa, his State of religiosity is low, there will be a high social health.

Also predicted that individuals tend to hold on to religion during difficult or uncertain times. If related to differences in European and African regions that have been described previously, it is explained that the African population because fewer atheists in that area many unmet needs, many are hit by hunger, distress, etc.. Whereas in most European countries, fear of the uncertain lower level. This is because the guarantee of social welfare provides a safety so that health is more assured.

For Indonesia alone, there is no mentioning the exact number of how many individuals who choose to be atheist, but I found a 'community' atheist on the internet which stood since 2008. Since the year 2008, the number of its members grow and currently has a membership of more than 300 people. Of course it is still a lot of communities or individuals who embrace atheists out there. However, if the return is associated with a negative correlation between level of religiosity and social health, as well as assumptions that individuals hold on to religion during difficult or uncertain circumstances; then based on the number of atheists second opinion in Indonesia is not going to as many countries in Europe. For another, more powerful perhaps because in the Act itself is an individual who is considered to make other people doubt his faith could be given a prison sentence.

Another thing is that individuals who are not in control of her life is more pressure and less hold on to religion. In these modern times, when individuals feel they have a problem turning to a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist to seek for a more scientific way to solve the problem. Other studies have shown that individuals who feel that religion / faith is not very important as well not believe in life after death. Contrary to individuals who believe in a religion / faith.

A professor in the U.S., also an atheist, argues that atheism is assumed to arise due to several factors. If viewed from social factors, then atheism arose because: 1) individual who feels ashamed of trust adopted; 2) individuals trying to enter into an organization's particular social group; 3) individuals 'pursuit' personal comfort, with no faith in a belief, then the individual can be free to do what she wants. The professor further explained, when viewed from the side of psychoanalysis, so that God is the fulfillment of our unconscious desire for protection and security that we create when we were kids.

Apart from our own beliefs, I believe that is the right of every individual to choose the way of life that is executed, adopted or belief.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Import and Export Blogger

The facility is easier for us in moving the contents of the blog pages one to another blog page, or export all the posts and comments in one format Atom-formatted XML file.

To do the Export:

- Open the Dashboard -> Click Settings -> Select Basic

- Click Export blogs

- Click DOWNLOAD BLOG and store the backup files on your computer

To do Import:

- Open the Dashboard -> Click Settings -> Select Basic

- Click Import blog

- Click Browse to locate the backup file on your computer

- Click Import Blog

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Developed countries basic education

Reality education aimed at making progress in science and technology that can be used as capital in running the community life in general, perhaps the process to achieve success through education is something that is badly needed, because without knowledge and technology can be ascertained imminent failure in any undertaking that prevailing in different countries around the world.

State education track progress forward views to the size capability of each student receives the appropriate lessons on character, hobby, passion and expertise. So that mastery to achieve success and opportunities in doing business success can be realized.

It is certain that the State forward in building a robust force needed rules that govern the economic process smoothly through the business and strong encouragement from the quality of education in force in a State, a series of successes between the State, students and businessmen. A relationship that should not be separated, of course they are part of the linkage between the work program for the smooth production of the life of all people of a State without any differences in the ability of each individual.

Malioboro Yogyakarta

Malioboro area as one of the leading shopping area of the city of Yogyakarta, is supported by the presence of shops, restaurants, shopping centers, and not behind the traders. For shopping, shopping centers and restaurants are actually the same as the business and shopping centers in other large cities, which is visited by a big brand name and there are also local names. Traded goods from imported and local goods, from daily necessities to electronic goods, furniture and so forth. Also provides various handicrafts, such as batik, wayang, matting, bags and so forth. There is also a place of foreign currency exchange, banks, five star hotel up to the type of jasmine.

Malioboro hustle and splendor can not be separated from the many street vendors who line the street Malioboro peddling his wares, almost everything on offer is a good and unique items as souvenirs Jogja / souvenirs for tourists. They traded handicrafts typical of Jogjakarta, among other crafts wicker, leather, batik, silver, bamboo and others, in the form of batik clothes, leather bags, leather shoes, decorative wicker, leather puppets, bamboo keychains, spoons / forks silver, blangkon hat kind of typical Jogja batik / Java, T-shirts with various models / writings and many others. The street vendors have which showcases his wares on a table, cart only those that hold the plastic on the floor. So when the visitor quite busy Malioboro alone among visitors jostled each other because of the narrowness of the road for pedestrians because it was fairly heavy and the number of traders on the right and left.

And this also needs to be aware of or get special attention because Malioboro become vulnerable to crime, this proved to not at least report to the nearest police about the theft or hold-up, and not infrequently also the foreign tourists also become victims of crime and this is very embarrassing actually

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Encouragement Inspiration

Without you can not find inspiration, if you can visit at any time even if only briefly, or to accompany any given time, must have the drive to get more inspiration, perhaps difficult to express feelings when life without you is hard to get an inspiration, if you can visit any time although only a minute or accompanied at all times, must have the drive to get more inspiration, perhaps difficult to express feelings that are part of the sense of love and affection for the figure of hearts dream lover.

Beloved figure despite having either much older ages, but can provide encouragement inspire each want to write, the spirit of inspiration came when imagining the beauty of the body as well as stronger feelings of love while dreaming, the mind becomes uncertain volatility because the figure of the presence of a lover's dream can not be predictable comings and goings .

Posting Blogger

Create a yahoo email Indonesia

Already known as a provider of yahoo email address for free chat and also, for the purposes of deploying or personal yahoo seem to be easily used by users, create a yahoo email really easy when we register the keys in yahoo, if you never register with @ then we can make again with a new address because it seems both are also different,

Funny incident never happened to me this yaho problem, the article did not know the difference between dot com and dot co dot uk, I think they are the same, this email address is very important to me because it has a lot of contact friends of friends. We moved to a new computer then try aya log into my yahoo account, I tried more than ten times more to get through security to conduct a chat, but it seems useless, because it turns out my address ending in dot com instead

To create a yahoo email Indonesia when we register to make a pick with the Indonesian email address along with Indonesia, just to be safe you do not need to access it from the web proxy because the proxy is sometimes brings us into the global yahoo yahoo instead of Indonesia.

How to create a yahoo email:
First go into first using your browser. then click on the email, click sign up then fill in all the data required to register, ranging from the name address and zip code are also possible, lest any try to complete the left column, then fill chapta code at the very bottom, click next or register anaesthetized, nah that term we are already logged into yahoo account, for the record should besrta email address do not forget the password, so that later we can easily log in again, except that if you are online in a cybercafe try to click on log out on the right atas.Hal This is necessary so that your email is not hijacked by others.